2019 Christmas Do
Hello, our fabulous Social Secretaries Matt and Gina have organised the 2019 PCWP Christmas Do to be held at the Mountbatten Centre on Friday 6th December: 7pm.
There will be a DJ, live music, buffet food and other entertainment (inlcuding a magician and photo-booth).
This will be an event to bring all age groups, parents and extended family together and integrate everyone as a club – partners, kids, nans and grandads etc are invited. Matt would suggest getting a sitter for later in the evening as the band they’ve lined up are good!
Cost has been confirmed at £15 per person – under 10’s go free.
The time will be announced once details have been finalised.
Your Social Secs: Matt & Gina
Please pay your deposit (or pay in full) using the button below – THANKS!
(there’s also a £5 option if you’ve already paid your deposit)
You can change the quantity for multiple people;
and please add a note to tell us who you’ve paid for.
[Payments Closed]
And note: under 10’s go free!